What Are Half Hourly Meters?
A half hourly meter is an automated metering system used by many large businesses as a way to ensure more accurate payments are made for the amount of electricity being used. The half hourly meter sends updated meter readings to the supplier every 30 minutes. As the half hourly electricity meter is fully automated it is a very convenient option for businesses that ensures correct billing.
Should My Business Be Using a Half-Hourly Meter?
Half hourly meters are most beneficial for large businesses, they are compulsory for businesses that use 100kW of electricity or more. If you have a half hourly electricity demand of 70kW or more then you can choose to have a half hourly meter but it is not compulsory.
From November 2015, all new and renewing contracts for profile class 05 08 electricity meters were required to switch to HH meters as part of the p272 industry change.
What Type of Businesses Are They Used For?
Half hourly meters are used by electricity intensive industries and large businesses using 100kW of electricity or more.
Typical businesses that require a HH meter include:
- Department stores
- Warehouses
- Factories
- Breweries
- Supermarkets
- Large offices
- Other large scale industrial/ agricultural enterprises
If you have just moved into new premises, you can determine whether the new property uses a HH or non-HH meter by checking one of the prior energy bills. The energy bill will include a S number, take a look at the top left number – if it is 00 then this means the property has a half-hourly meter installed.
Half Hourly Electricity Metering Prices
Half Hourly electricity prices differ from residential prices due to a variety of factors including; contract terms, time of year, business location, wholesale electricity market and more. Half hourly data means billing is customised to your usage and requirements making it more accurate and putting a stop to estimated billing.
If you are on a current transformer HH supply, it is important to know how maximum demand meters work as you could find yourself on the wrong ASC rate which may result in your bills being more than they should be.
What are the Differences between HH Billing & Regular Pricing?
Once you have found a HH metering contract that works for you, you will notice that there is far more data available about your business energy usage. Amr meter cost calculations are effective as precise readings are automatically sent directly to your supplier. This means your bills will always be accurate and up to date and the increase in usage data available allows you to save money by:
- Easily comparing contracts with accurate usage information
- Using the information of peak energy usage to shift these energy intensive processes to times when lower rates are offered
- Implement effective energy efficiency programs
Mandatory Half Hourly Meter Changes as Part of P272
In April 2017, it became mandatory to settle all electricity meter profile class 05, 06, 07 or 08 supplied businesses with an advanced meter capable of HH data recording as half hourly and not as non-half-hourly.
This adjustment was part of the P272 changes which required the above-mentioned meters (05 – 08) to switch to a HH settled meter. The switch which is made via a change of measurement class (COMC) was required to take place by the 1st April 2017. Therefore, if your meter profile class was originally one of the above, your supplier should have set up a HH meter.
Am I required to get an HH meter?
If your business is using 100kW of electricity or more in any half hour you are required by law to use a half hourly meter system.
What about P272 regulation?
The P272 regulation impacts the way electricity suppliers settle business electricity consumption. This has resulted in sites being moved to half hourly meters to ensure more accurate billing. To find out whether this affects your business, have a look at your supply number. If your profile class is 05, 06, 07 or 08 then you are affected by the P272.
What meter type do I need?
The metering code of practice determines what type of meter you need depending on your available capacity. Code of practice 2 meter is a capacity greater than 10 but not exceeding 100 megawatts. Code of practice 3 is greater than 1 but not exceeding 10 megawatts and code of practice 5 is up to and including 1 megawatt.
Do I still have to take meter readings?
When using a HH meter the readings are automatically sent to the energy supplier, therefore it is not necessary to take meter readings. However, you will be required to have a Data Collector (DC) and a Meter Operator (MOP) which can be provided by your energy company if necessary, although this is generally not the cheapest option.
What does a HH meter operator do?
A HH MOP is responsible for installing and maintaining your meter. They will make sure the equipment is able to send the data without any problems. Any additional meter operator charges will be invoiced to you directly from your MOP as the MOP contract is a standalone agreement separate from the electricity supply agreement.
What do a HH data collector (DC) do?
The HH DC collects data and passes it on to the energy supplier. Even though this is an automatic process it is important to have a DC and you will need a contract in place with a DC to get access to your data.
How do I know if I have a half hourly meter?
Simply take a look at a previous energy bill, just to the right of the S number will be a number (the top left number). If this number is 00 then you have a HH meter.
Can I switch my tariff plan?
Yes, if you are looking to switch suppliers it is possible but is slightly more complicated than switching normal business energy contracts. We can help you to compare the options from a range of suppliers, including those of the big 6 such as sse metering and eon energy services. We can help you to switch your tariff with ease, simply fill in our quote form.
A half hourly meter can help to save money by improving the accuracy of readings and bills. You can use the data collected to implement cost effective strategies too. If you’d like to find a better deal on your business energy or would like more information on half hourly meters, fill in our online form and our expert team will be able to assist.